About The Author

I’ve grown up loving music. I always have felt that I have a good head on my shoulders, and a decent taste in what is good and what is bad, and all the things in between. Growing up, I had a certain few bands I listened to, but I always was looking for that new, exciting, and different band that had something new to offer. Now, with all the music that comes out in a single year, it can be hard to weed through all the crap and filth to find a shining beacon of hope and uniqueness. I hope that as you read some of my reviews you will see a certain uniqueness in the bands I choose to support and subsequently, not support.

I have been writing CD reviews for the past 6 years now, starting in 2004 at the popular Christian music website JesusFreakHideout.com. After work and school became more of a burden, I ultimately left the site and stopped reviewing for a few months. But I realized that now that I wasn’t restricted to certain albums, and that I was free to review whatever I liked (or didn’t like).

What you will see here will likely focus on Christian bands many times, but that is simply because certain Christian bands don’t get as much of a push as they sometimes deserve. What you will also see here is mainstream, secular reviews of bands I choose to listen to, and I will say up front that there is literally nothing I do not listen to. One day you might see a death metal band reviewed while another week goes by and you are appalled that I have reviewed the latest pop album. I realize that there is an infinite possibility for music and musical genre, and therefore I do not wish to see myself cut anyone off.

Originally from the small town of Easton, Pennsylvania, I currently attend Visible School Music and Worship Arts College in downtown Memphis, Tennessee. I am studying to earn a degree in Music Business, and I hope to use that degree to become a professional writer and promoter. For more information on the school, please visit www.visible.edu. I am also getting to know the city of Memphis and all that it has to offer the ever-growing music industry.

Some of my main influences and favorite bands can be seen on the “Music That Moves Me” page, if you are so interested. Along with my reviews, I will try to update this site at least once a week, with a new review or article on the current state of the music industry, or a band that I find particularly interesting. I hope you enjoy reading, and be sure to check back often.

Love is our resistance,

Justin Mabee

Through Windows, Author/Blogger

  1. Good Morning,
    My name is Josh and I emailing you on behalf of Elysion Fields, which is a Metal band along the likes of The Devil Wears Prada, August Burns Red and As I Lay Dying from Chicago, IL.
    I was wondering if you would be interested in reviewing our newest EP on your website?
    We currently have our album streaming for free at Facebook.com/elysionfields or if you would prefer, I could definitely email you with the MP3s in order to provide you with a medium to properly review the album.
    I hope to hear from you soon, take it easy!

  2. Stumbled upon your blog and really like your reviews and thorough writing. See you haven’t posted in a few months, but was wondering if you might be interested in reviewing our new album. We are an independent, new wave rock band from Nashville and would love for you to hear Bittersweet Horizon. We’ve provided a free download code at BandCamp.com.

    Simply use this link:

    And this redemption code:

    • jameson
    • March 3rd, 2011

    Could you provide your email address so that bands/publicists could send you music news for coverage?

      • Justin Mabee
      • March 15th, 2011

      Sure. I haven’t kept this updated as much as I would like, but feel free to get in touch with me in the best way you see fit.
      My email address and other connections are available here.

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